From the content of Music Education 4/2008



The series Music and Painting continues with the essay by J. Bláha called Henryk Mikolaj Górecki and John Nava.


M. Kuttlerová supports her paper Music and Language with the latest investigations between music and language and she outlines the possibilities of using musical elements in foreign languages learning.


M. Nedělka introduces literature which deals with a piano improvisation education both as an accompaniment of folk songs and as an individual pianist’s expression in the second part of his text Teacher, Piano and Improvisation.


K. Dytrtová in her article Aggregation of Music Education and Art Education in Connection with Creating an Educational Framework suggests a particular solution for the area Art and Culture.


V. Vondráček shows the advantages of musical and art activities integration, regarding the effectivenes and attractiveness of this new form of teaching in the third part of Using Computers in Music Education.


The note supplement contains two Christmas songs with an instrumental accompaniment by J. Říha – Carol Singers and I Will Buy a Whistle.


The news brings important information from the conference ISME  in Bologna 2008, from Visegrad musical events in 2008, information about possibilities of doctoral studies at music departments of pedagogical faculties and the evaluation of teachers’ abilities to teach students attitudes towards European citizenship.


Beyond Josef Křička’s (1888) portrait for his 120th birth anniversary, there is an interesting review of Zbyněk Prokeš’s book New Research of Voice Mutation in Boys and as a biography of the year there is Twelve Views on Messiaen.


You will find a regular section by S. Pecháček About Music in English, the list of important anniversaries and summarizing content of the whole annual volume.